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Mono Screenprints - Sun 22 Jan, 10 - 4

Did you know you can paint or draw directly onto a screen and print it onto paper?

110 Australian dollars
51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown, NSW

The tutor’s aim is to show you an approach to screenprinting which combines painting, drawing, and printing. Unlike printing an edition, mono printing creates a one-off unique print. Any subject is suitable, eg still life, portraits, abstracts. The basic approach is to place a sketch of your painting under your screen as a guide while you paint a copy of it and then push the ink through the screen to produce an expressive version of your original sketch. As well as inks, you can try drawing materials including charcoal and pastels. We will also explore techniques including wiping off to reveal previous layers, free-form flooding, monitored drying of ink in screen to create texture, alternative tools other than a squeegee such as rags or your hands, printing residual images (ghost prints), off-setting ink from plastic sheets, painting à la Jackson Pollock with splatter and drips and repeating elements of previously editioned images in a new way. You will be pushing multiple colours through a screen onto paper in one pull, either on an open screen or with stencils, using one or more of the above techniques to create a one off print. You can also try watercolours, a slightly different process which produces a beautiful soft print. You may not have time to try everything on the day but you should be inspired to incorporate these techniques into your future prints. Bookings Essential. An invoice will be emailed to you. PLEASE PAY THE COURSE FEE OF $110 ON OR BEFORE ARRIVAL (cash, card or bank transfer accepted). Maximum of four participants If you are unwell and contagious there is a good chance someone will catch your bug so please do not attend if you are sick, even if you wear a mask. What do you need to bring? - Bring sketches or any stencils or film positives you may already have. - Closed-in shoes are a must for safety and preferably comfortable flat ones, as you will mostly be standing. - Eye glasses for close-up work if you need them. - Something to take your prints home in ABOUT THE TUTOR Catherine Tempest has a Bachelor of Art Theory UNSW Art & Design, Sydney which included an exchange semester of drawing and printmaking at Aberystwyth University, Wales, an Advanced Diploma Visual Art majoring in printmaking and photography, Newcastle Art School, and a Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training. Click the Book Now button to secure your place. Please cancel promptly if you are unable to attend by sending an email to

Contact Details

  • 51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown, NSW

    51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown NSW, Australia

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