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Multi Colour Screen Printing on Paper

27 Jan. Screen print this studio design so you can apply what you have learned to your own drawings.

80 Australian dollars
51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown, NSW

No screen printing experience necessary. * Screen print with a photo emulsion stencil. * Use a hand cut paper stencil * Register multiple colours on paper. All materials supplied. An invoice will be emailed to you with payment details (cash, eftpos or bank transfer accepted). Max. of three participants - for more personal attention! Participants must be 14yrs+ If you are sick, please cancel if you think you are infectious. What do you need to bring? Wear your printing gear. Screen printing can get messy! We have studio aprons for you to use. - Closed-in, flat shoes are good for safety and comfort. You will be standing for the entire workshop. - Eye glasses for close-up work. You will need them! ABOUT THE TUTOR Catherine Tempest has a Bachelor of Art Theory UNSW Art & Design, Sydney which included an exchange semester of drawing and printmaking at Aberystwyth University, Wales, an Advanced Diploma Visual Art majoring in printmaking and photography, Newcastle Art School, and a Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training

Contact Details

  • 51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown, NSW

    51 Georgetown Road, Georgetown NSW, Australia

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